Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Horse Show

Long overdue update

This has been a great summer project. Show lambs for the girls. They have been working hard getting them ready for Wiarton fair.
Stay tuned for updated photos, new hair styles.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A sad Good bye

A Tearful Nicole said to me, why do we have dogs if they are going to die?
The very day after we found Rocky dead we lost an important part of our family, Lexi.
It was alot for the family to take all at one time.
Lexi has been by our sides for 10 years.
We still think we hear her, wake up expecting to find her at the foot of the bed or look down the lane for her coming to find us.
We will never forget you Lexi. We just hope there is a big pile of round bales up there for you to play on:)
And yet while we know we will at some point suffer the loss of a dog they play sucha big part in our lives. They enrich each day with their energy, joy and unconditional love.
That Nicole, is why we have dogs.

The end of a generation

We are sad to say Easter Sunday was the last Morning Rocky saw.

Thank goodness he lives on in his puppies. His loss is sorley felt by all of us.

Puppies Are Ready to go!

Well the puppies are 6 weeks old and exploring like crazy- They are ready to find new homes.
3 left yesterday. 2 headed to Prince Edward County to guard Shetland sheep and one went around the corner to Clavering to look after a flock of goats.
We wish the new owners all the best.
There is one more for sale and then two for friends and two for us.

New Puppies- March 8

We had a wonderful surprise come March.
Maggie started showing signs of immenant delivery.
On March 8 she gave birth to 8 puppies- 5 girls, 3 boys
She is a wonderful Mom.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas is coming....

The girls hauling our tree out of the bush.

We managed to find a small corner for the tree to call home.

Nicole is 5th from the left.She was Holland for "It's a small world"
Rayleen is the tall one in the centre. She was a lamb for the animals on the bus.